Sunday, 26 July 2015

Laire and Bonnie

I've gotten a few horses I didn't particularly like recently. The first was the Pinto Sport Horse version of Gem Twist. In catalogues I'd always admired the pose and when the chance came to get one new in the box for a little over £21 I didn't hesitate. But as soon as I'd gotten it out of the box I didn't really like it. I don't what it is about it. I was disappointed as this was the first time I'd bought a Breyer Traditional I didn't like. I didn't even photograph it properly, and that's a bad sign if ever there was one!

I photographed Sara Moniet, and again she is a lovely little horse... but I don't love her. She doesn't mean anything to me. Both the Sport Horse and Sara came out of their boxes without a single flaw, yet my Trooper had a few box rubs here and there, and I have fallen in love with him... I want to sell the two I don't want, but I've got no idea where to begin.

When I'm in the mood to buy a new horse, I look at independent retailers - I find online shops specialising in farm toys to be the best places to look. That's where I found the discontinued Gem Twist, and where I found these two...

My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw them for sale. They must have been sitting in a warehouse for some time. They're very happy I rescued them and set them free! Because of my recent disappointments with model horses, I bookmarked their page and checked in on them regularly to make sure they were still available. I took over a week to make my decision and save up a little bit of money for them. I bought them last Sunday for £39.99 with free delivery, and they arrived by courier on a damp Wednesday afternoon in perfect condition. And when I opened the box there was that little spark, and I knew these two were keepers.

I love them both already. I have to admit I was so happy that evening I had a little play with them. I haven't played with my toy horses for at least five years, probably more, but these two brought it all back. I struggled with naming them, because I wanted their names to suit them and have a Scottish connection like with Brogue and his Irish name. The foal found her name first, and she's called Bonnie, which means "fine" in Scottish, according to this website. Mum took a little longer to pin down, but I found a name for her too. Laire is a Scottish word for "mare" apparently, says the same website.

I've had to wait for the weather to allow me to photograph them, and I at last got round to it yesterday. It wasn't as windy as it usually is around here, and they both have all four massive hooves on the ground, so I chanced taking their photos in the yard.

(Please ignore out of scale grass in the background. Oops.)

This is where family fittingly comes into the story. When I was taking Laire and Bonnie out of their box, my dad, who doesn't like horses, said that they were really nice. My mum wanted to display them in the kitchen, and that was a resounding no from me. I brought them across the lane to show my granny, and she thought they were the nicest horses I'd gotten yet. When I was taking some photos of the little horses in the yard, my Granny came out of her house just to make sure they were alright! My dad echoed my granny in saying they were the nicest horses I'd gotten yet. I've never had such approval for a pair of plastic horses before. I'm not quite sure how to react, but it is very nice to hear!

Little Bonnie is very adorable.

Laire is beautiful too.

The best thing about these two is that they will always be together.

I'm very happy with my new girls, and they have restored my faith in model horses. And if you've read through all of that, well done you!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely blog! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it so far, and looking forward to future posts :)
    I'm sorry you didn't connect with some of your latest models. Funny how it works that way sometimes. I recently got a secondhand classic Mariah and whilst she's lovely, there's just no spark, yet. On the other hand my Sara Moniet has a blank spot under her mane where the paint spray was obscured by the mane, and it's quite noticable, but I adore the model ^^; I don't show my models anyway, so it's not really that a big a deal.
    Laire and Bonnie are lovely, and what fitting names :) And your photography is superb!
